MBTA-Red_Orange Line

MBTA Red and Orange Lines Signal Power

Boston, MA

Boston, MA

I&C/Electrical Engineering

Municipal Infrastructure, Transit/Railroad

The MBTA is re-signaling the Red Line and Orange Lines with the next generation digital audio frequency track circuits. Currently there are approximately 396 track circuits on the Red Line and 271 track circuits on the Orange Line that require upgrades. The track circuits will be designed with the capacity to add additional speed commands, 3 for the Red Line and 2 for the Orange Line, in the future to take advantage of the improved Red Line No. 4 Vehicle and Orange Line No. 14 Vehicle performance technology.

Triunity is responsible for the evaluation of existing signal power infrastructure and design of signal power infrastructure for MBTA Red Line and Orange Line Signal upgrades. Triunity is also retrofitting existing buildings to accommodate electrical power requirements for the new signal upgrade.